Marijuana Myths

By Christie - Saturday, November 24th, 2018
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I want to say this outright: CBD does not cancel the high that comes from THC. At least once a day, one of my customers will tell me that they don’t want anything with CBD in it because it “takes away the high,” and at this point, I’m thinking about making a sign that says […]


Water-Soluble vs. Lipid-Soluble THC

By Christie - Saturday, November 17th, 2018
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I know this blog has a dry title, but this is important stuff, so hang in there; I promise you’ll learn something new. Let’s get started… When most edibles are made, they’re infused with a distilled oil because it checks most of the boxes: it doesn’t taste too much like pot, it’s potent, and it’s […]


Changes in our Durango Dispensary

By Christie - Saturday, November 10th, 2018
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Change really is the only constant here at The Greenery, even though saying so sounds like a platitude. But change is a good thing because it means we’re listening to you, our customers. And you’ve been asking for all sorts of things, from flavored exotic vape cartridges to more affordable dabs to fast-acting edibles, so […]


Seniors and Cannabis

By Christie - Saturday, November 3rd, 2018
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Let me tell you a story… We have to check everyone’s I.D. when they walk into our Durango dispensary—it doesn’t matter if we know them of if they’re obviously old enough to be our grandparents, because rules are rules. But I always feel a bit odd when I ask someone from the Greatest Generation for […]