RSO in Durango

By Christie - Saturday, October 27th, 2018
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There’s still no such thing as genuine RSO in Durango, so I stand by the first blog I wrote about it that you can read HERE. Rick Simpson still lives in Croatia, and he still spends his days sending nastygrams to people in Colorado who slap Rick’s name on their oil. That being said, there’s […]


CBD Oil in Durango

By Christie - Saturday, October 6th, 2018
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Without exaggeration, about thirty people come in every day and ask, “do you have any CBD oil?” Of course, when I get this question, I always say, “yes, we do; are you looking for smokable or edible oil?” This question is usually answered with a blank look because most people don’t know the difference, and […]


The Endocannabinoid System (ECS)

By Christie - Saturday, September 8th, 2018
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I’m so, so sorry for throwing two blogs like this one at you back-to-back. Last week’s post was a little dry because we talked about the history of cannabis prohibition, and I’m afraid this week’s post about the ECS isn’t going to be much better. I promise that next week, we’ll go back to talking […]


Dispensary FAQs

By Christie - Saturday, August 11th, 2018
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As a budtender, I’ve heard them all: Is marijuana instantly addictive? Will this stuff make me see flying animals? Would you please mail some of that marijuana sex spray to me here in South Africa? For real, I’ve answered all these questions, and I tried my best to do so with a straight face. And […]


CBD in Durango

By Christie - Saturday, June 30th, 2018
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CBD stands for “Cannabidiol.” I wanted to say that right off the bat because most people think “CBD” is an acronym that stands for something (like “cannabis, because duh”), but it’s not—it’s simply an abbreviation, just like “THC,” which stands for “tetrahydrocannabinol.” But what CBD does is more important than what it means: Cannabidiol is […]


Rick Simpson Oil in Durango

By Christie - Saturday, April 14th, 2018
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Long story short, there isn’t any. Not really, anyway, because for an oil to be a “Rick Simpson Oil,” it needs to me made by Rick Simpson. That’s just how it works. And honestly, I thought the guy was dead, but as it turns out, he’s living happily in Croatia because the Canadian Mounties raided […]


Weed and Romance

By Christie - Saturday, February 10th, 2018
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I have a Valentine’s Day story for you: Nigel was a seabird who lived in New Zealand. He was a gannet, one of those streamlined white birds that looks like a seagull on steroids, and he was a hopeless romantic. A couple decades ago, conservationists peppered a New Zealand beach with concrete decoys that looked […]


Marijuana Edible Serving Size

By Christie - Saturday, September 9th, 2017
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“I ate way too many edibles this one time,” said every stoner, ever. For real. Everyone I know who enjoys the occasional edible has a similar horror story—one they look back on with an embarrassed shake of the head—because eating one milligram too many is an easy thing to do. So, as a stopgap, I’m […]


Marijuana Side Effects

By Christie - Saturday, September 2nd, 2017
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Prescription drug commercials are the best. They’re always filmed in subdued slow-motion with an ethereal, gauzy quality, kind of like a soap opera. There’re always plenty of pretty people frolicking around with toothy smiles. And there’s always a calming, hypnotic voice in the background listing off the side effects that come from traditional pharmaceuticals. I […]


Medicinal Marijuana

By Christie - Saturday, July 1st, 2017
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The Greenery is a recreational-only marijuana dispensary. However, we offer a twenty-percent discount to medical patients (so long as you can show us a valid Colorado MMJ card), and we do so for good reason: for many people, marijuana really is medicine. Frankly, most people buy pot to get high, and there’s nothing wrong with […]